Tag Archives: small talk

Blue Christmas

Tough crowd

I know some folks will be missing the usual holiday gatherings this year… but I also know that some people won’t really be “missing” them at all.

Those nosy relatives who you see once a year are going to have to find another way to ask why you’re still single & when you’re planning to have kids (or another kid). Maybe you should send a mass email or start a newsletter? Create a Twitter account solely for dating recaps or ovulation updates? Innovation awaits.


Hostess gift

Finally, an explanation for all of those weird conversations I’ve had over the years. Clockie’s built a whole host of them – nosy relatives, pushy parents, rude strangers, newspaper columnists… all to provide cautionary tales, offer unsolicited advice, and make unnecessary comments about being childless or childfree. It just might make you question the nature of your reality.

I assume she was inspired by a certain popular TV show.  Someone really needs to cancel her cable subscription – that would be the true delight.
