Tag Archives: single ladies

Can we even make that joke on here?

Sorry, everyone.

You guys… Clockie made me do it. I was thinking about everyone watching the traditional New Year’s festivities from home this year (you better be at home, people!), and this is all I could think about.

Seriously though, I have no idea why this joke popped into my head or why I had to draw it for you, I guess we’re working blue to end 2020. This may be the first joke about balls I’ve posted here. But will it be the last? Only time will tell. (See what I did there?)


Blue Christmas

Tough crowd

I know some folks will be missing the usual holiday gatherings this year… but I also know that some people won’t really be “missing” them at all.

Those nosy relatives who you see once a year are going to have to find another way to ask why you’re still single & when you’re planning to have kids (or another kid). Maybe you should send a mass email or start a newsletter? Create a Twitter account solely for dating recaps or ovulation updates? Innovation awaits.
