I know some folks will be missing the usual holiday gatherings this year… but I also know that some people won’t really be “missing” them at all.
Those nosy relatives who you see once a year are going to have to find another way to ask why you’re still single & when you’re planning to have kids (or another kid). Maybe you should send a mass email or start a newsletter? Create a Twitter account solely for dating recaps or ovulation updates? Innovation awaits.
It’s time for everyone’s least favorite holiday tradition! That’s right – Clockie carols are back, baby! Today, we learn what “Grandma” was really thinking about when she got hit by that reindeer.
Also, Clockie is finally following her destiny as an influencer and set up her own Instagram account. For all things comic, you can follow along at @ticktickwomb.
It’s almost Mother’s Day… Clockie tends to celebrate in her own way. Brace yourself for the Clockish inquisition.
Clockie claims she’ll keep your secret… not sure that I believe her, you know? Also, she’s kind of a jerk for assuming you’re lonely in the first place.
Clockie truly is the gift that won’t stop giving no matter how much you want her to…
Did you know that Clockie holds choir practice for impatient wannabe grandparents in advance of the holidays? She considers it to be a public service. Here’s just one of the many tunes that she teaches…