You guys… Clockie made me do it. I was thinking about everyone watching the traditional New Year’s festivities from home this year (you better be at home, people!), and this is all I could think about.
Seriously though, I have no idea why this joke popped into my head or why I had to draw it for you, I guess we’re working blue to end 2020. This may be the first joke about balls I’ve posted here. But will it be the last? Only time will tell. (See what I did there?)
I know some folks will be missing the usual holiday gatherings this year… but I also know that some people won’t really be “missing” them at all.
Those nosy relatives who you see once a year are going to have to find another way to ask why you’re still single & when you’re planning to have kids (or another kid). Maybe you should send a mass email or start a newsletter? Create a Twitter account solely for dating recaps or ovulation updates? Innovation awaits.
It’s almost Mother’s Day… Clockie tends to celebrate in her own way. Brace yourself for the Clockish inquisition.
Clockie claims she’ll keep your secret… not sure that I believe her, you know? Also, she’s kind of a jerk for assuming you’re lonely in the first place.
Clockie truly is the gift that won’t stop giving no matter how much you want her to…
Apparently, some people (ahem, Clockie) think your eggs just stop being viable at 35. So, why not throw them a retirement party to wish them well? You can even combine it with your birthday party if you’re all about that efficient lifestyle.