Tag Archives: cautionary tales

How you doin’?

Apologies to The Rembrandts

Personally, I think today’s comic is kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck fantastic. That’s right, friends – you’re in for a bunch of Friends-inspired content until I get it out of my system. I’m sorry/you’re welcome?

Anyway, today Clockie is in her “I told you so” comfort zone. Unfortunately, she’ll be there for you…


Hit me baby, all the time

It’s a wall world, after all

So, I keep hearing about this pandemic wall. Are there people who haven’t hit a wall yet? Who are they? How does their programming work?  Are they androids?

I feel like I hit this metaphorical wall months* ago and have been stuck on it – or in it** – ever since.

Anyway, I hope you have a friend who can repeatedly pry you off the wall if you’re stuck too.

*Days? Weeks? Years? Time is a flat circle now, just like Matthew McConaughey predicted. Who had the “alright, alright, alright” guy from Dazed & Confused as unlikely pandemic prophet on their bingo card?

**Kind of like one of those unfortunate computer game protagonists who get stuck inside the wall due to a programming glitch, never to escape.


Oh geez, TV

You’re next, Fixer Upper

Next time – Husband Hunters International?

Seriously though, I bet Clockie could program a whole network with her nonsense. Did I just come up with a new series of comics? You’ll just have to stay tuned to find out…

Also, is it too much to ask for a mature move-in ready bungalow with no commitment issues but lots of curb appeal? Not everyone is looking for a project. I… think I need to stop torturing this metaphor now.


Can we even make that joke on here?

Sorry, everyone.

You guys… Clockie made me do it. I was thinking about everyone watching the traditional New Year’s festivities from home this year (you better be at home, people!), and this is all I could think about.

Seriously though, I have no idea why this joke popped into my head or why I had to draw it for you, I guess we’re working blue to end 2020. This may be the first joke about balls I’ve posted here. But will it be the last? Only time will tell. (See what I did there?)
