There’s no logic in Biological Clockie. Honestly, you’d think they could have at least treated us as well as a carton of eggs & put an expiration date on our lower back or something. We can’t even rely on a standard measure since it’s different for everyone.
Also, fun fact for you: the word “woman” is just a contraction of “Whoa! Not a man!” It’s actually the first thing Adam said when he saw Eve for the first time. True story.
So… have you learned that new language yet? Taken up a new hobby? Finished a bunch of house projects?
Yeah… me neither. Perhaps we can all just agree that making it through this dumpster fire of a year is enough all by itself. Deal?
Clockie claims she’ll keep your secret… not sure that I believe her, you know? Also, she’s kind of a jerk for assuming you’re lonely in the first place.
Clockie truly is the gift that won’t stop giving no matter how much you want her to…
Apparently, some people (ahem, Clockie) think your eggs just stop being viable at 35. So, why not throw them a retirement party to wish them well? You can even combine it with your birthday party if you’re all about that efficient lifestyle.